Chromatic Alchemy

Class Resources

Books & People

These are a few of the books I keep going back to for inspiration and exploration:

These artists are GREAT for color instruction

I also make my own paints from found pigments under the tutelage of these fine artists:


  • I use this kid’s set when teaching because the paint is surprisingly high quality. Very pigmented and it’s nice to carry around. If you want to explore watercolor or are looking for a solid travel set, this is a great place to start. Yarka Semi Moist Watercolor Pan Sets

If you’re wanting to expand your colors, this is a great way to find great quality paint that you love:

You should also definitely try working with fountain pen inks!


  • The best are the 5 for $3 at Daiso. Only get the ones with the white nylon tips though. The rest are not great.

  • I have lots of fancy brushes, but I keep coming back to these. They’re solid and you can go so far with just a handful of these. At a minimum, get a round 10, but if you want a few more, get a round 4, and a 1” wash will give you nice full set. Snap watercolor brushes

  • This is one of my favorites in general. Holds lots of water and a sharp-ish point while being able to do lots of washes. Casaneo Watercolor Quill Brushes


Sketchbooks that are less expensive and good for trying stuff out:

This is where I spend my birthday and holiday money:


Who’s Inspiring Me Right Now

Last but not least, if you want to visit our studio, grab some time here: